Get involved!

We meet twice a month - you are welcome to join us. Or you can contact us if you'd like to be involved in any other way. Our archive may give you some idea of the things we've been up to over the years.

1. General meeting for event planning/campaign updates etc - every second Tuesday of the month (except August) at the Friends Meeting House, Friargate, York YO1 7RL. Click here for a map. We meet at 7.30 pm or, when we have a guest speaker (every other month on average), at 7.00 pm. We usually post the time of the next meeting at the bottom of our front page, a few days in advance.

2. Letter-writing evening - this is an informal meeting where we gather to write letters of support to prisoners of conscience or lobbying letters to governments. It takes place once a month (except August and December) - on the Wednesday a couple of weeks after our monthly general meeting, at the Winning Post public house, 127-129 Bishopthorpe Road, York YO23 1NZ. We meet from 7.30 to 9.00 pm.

If you would like any further information please email us (

Annual membership subscription: £10 waged, £5 unwaged


We rely heavily on volunteers to help run our campaigns and events. Many volunteers dip in and out and help when they can. There are lots of ways in which you can help us, ranging from manning one of our stalls, distributing posters, baking cakes, writing letters or simply turning up at one our events!